Jumat, 08 November 2013

Conversation between Tour Guide and Tourist at Bromo Mountain

Conversation between Tour Guide and Tourist at Bromo Mountain

This conversation between Tour Guides with a Tourist named is Alex from German, at Mount Bromo around by a horse.
Tour Guide       : Hello Mr. Alex good morning
Alex                 : Hello, good morning too
Tour Guide       : How are you?
Alex                 : I am fine thank you, and you?
Tour Guide       : I am fine too, So are you ready to go around Bromo Mountain?
Alex                 : Of course, I am ready Sir

They go around Bromo Mountain by a horse riding

Tour Guide       : We'll start from the Mount Bromo's. Mount Bromo is located in East Java is the volcano is still active until now, Bromo has height of 2392 meters above sea level is located in four regions, namely Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Lumajang, and Malang Regency. Mount Bromo mesh shape between valleys and canyons with a caldera or a sea of ​​sand covering approximately 10 square kilometers. Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area of a circle with a radius of 4 km from the central crater of Bromo.
Alex                 : And when was the last time Mount Bromo erupted?
Tour Guide       : The last eruption occurred in 2010.
Alex                 : Oh.. I see, I've heard about the existence of Tengger tribe here and is that true that they make Mount Bromo as a sacred mountain?
Tour Guide       : Yes Mr, that true, For residents of Bromo Tengger tribe, Mount Brahma (Bromo) believed to be a sacred mountain. Once a year the Tengger people Yadnya Kasada ceremony or Kasodo. The ceremony was held at a temple located at the foot of Mount Bromo and proceed north to the top of Mount Bromo. The ceremony was held at midnight to early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 in Kasodo (tenth) according to the Javanese calendar. 
Alex                  : Wow, that so interesting I hope I can see that ceremony.
Tour Guide        : Of course you can came here again when the ceremony is held, well we finished to go around Mount Bromo, I hope you are satisfied to come here Mr. Alex.
Alex                  : Thank You Sir, I am so satisfied to come here, I hope we can meet again in the next ceremony Sir.
Tour Guide        : Yes, Of course, nice to meet you Mr.Alex.
Alex                  : Nice to meet you too Sir.

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