Minggu, 21 Juni 2015


4th Assignment the Definition of Translation

1.      Definition of Translation

 Translation is the study which found many definition, like any other sciences.   various definitions reflect regarding which create definition about fact of translations and resolving.

The first High-definition came from Catford. He writes:

(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20).

You might wonder  a little in the above -definition concept of the meaning was not found. Meanwhile, in broad outline translation cannot be divided from the problem meaning or ideas.
Expression about the fact resolving that touches the concept meaning is revealed by Savory (1968):

Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions.

Savory no longer call those things that operational or related to the process. Resolving presented more clearly by Nida, Lithuania and Taber (1969).  They said:

Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

In Savory’s book Translation: Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) gives a broad restrictions on the term translation. For him translation is shifting thoughts and ideas or ideas from one language to  other language.

Both of languages could grouping of , such as Sundanese language and Central Java, it can be from other tribes, such as English and Indonesia, or even language is used in a different time, For example the Javanese in Majapahit and Javanese nowdays.

But unfortunately this is not implied in the definition of the translation process and criteria of a good translation.

Anjar Rahmannita

Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer



There is some Translation Machine that can help us to translating language from source language to target language, they are Ginger, SDL, Systrans, Trados and Wordbee, and their advantages also disadvantages.

Ginger application is a translation machine which can help us as human that sometimes have difficulty when translating a language to another language. Ginger can be access by free online internet connection, Ginger also can be install to your computer or gadget. But if your internet connection is not fast, it is a little bit frustating to wait for..so I suggest you to have a good internet connection so you can surfing the internet very well. This is the image of Ginger online application. Ginger also has other advantages such as write, define, synonyms, and many more.

As you can see the picture above, it is very easy to use this application. Just write the word which you want to translate and click ‘Try it’, and you can see the result immidiately.

This picture below is the picture of Ginger application that has been installed to the computer. This one is a Translate application, this application can translate for more than 40 languages, and also can translate idioms.

Next picture is Ginger Write application, in this application you can write anything you want and this application will block the word of your paragraph, and correct the spelling, or you can add it to define application to know more about the definition of that word.

And then this picture below is Ginger Synonyms application. You can find the synonyms from a word.


            SDL is an application Translation which can translate from a language to another language, you can access this application from online for free. 

As you can see the picture above, this application is quite simple than Ginger application. And this application is not complete as other application. This application can translate simple idioms such as that shown in this picture below.


            Systrans is also one of the machine translation online free, this application can translate from source language to target language. But unfortunately it did not have Indonesian as one of the source language and also the target language in Systrans. 


            Both this application is actually an online translation application. But unfortunately I did not know much about this two application, and I try to search the information about them by Google, and I don’t got that much information. “SDL Trados is a computer-assisted translation software suite, originally developed by the German company Trados GmbH and currently available from SDL International, a provider of translation management software, content management and language services. It provides translation memory and terminology management.” This is from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SDL_Trados 

Anjar Rahmannita 
4SA05 / 10611938

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

3rd Assignment 

1.      Definisi Penerjemahan

Seperti halnya ilmu-ilmu lain, di dalam bidang penerjemahan ditemukan banyak definisi. Berbagai definisi tersebut mencerminkan pandangan ahli yang membuat definsi tentang hakikat terjemahan dan proses penerjemahan.
Definisi pertama berasal dari Catford. Ia menulis:
(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20).
Mungkin Anda sedikit bertanya-tanya karena di dalam definisi tersebut tidak ditemukan konsep tentang makna. Sementara, secara garis besar terjemahan tidak bisa dipisahkan dari persoalan makna atau gagasan.
Ungkapan tentang hakikat penerjemahan yang menyentuh konsep makna diungkapkan oleh Savory (1968):
Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions.
Savory tidak lebih jauh lagi menyebut hal-hal yang operasional atau terkait dengan proses.
Proses penerjemahan disajikan secara lebih jelas oleh Nida dan Taber (1969). Mereka menyatakan:
Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.
Dalam bukunya Translation: Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) memberi batasan yang luas pada istilah penerjemahan. Bagi dia penerjemahan adalah pengalihan buah pikiran atau gagasan dari satu bahasa ke dalam bahasa lain. Kedua bahasa ini bisa serumpun, seperti bahasa Sunda dan Jawa, bisa dari lain rumpun, seperti bahasa Inggris dan Indonesia, atau bahkan bahasa yang sama tetapi dipakai pada kurun waktu yang berbeda, misalnya bahasa Jawa zaman Majapahit dan bahasa Jawa masa sekarang. Hanya sayang dalam definisi ini tidak tersirat proses penerjamahan dan kriteria terjemahan yang baik.

Translation using SDL

Like other sciences, in the field resolving found many definitions. Various definitions reflects the view that make definsi about the fact translations and resolving. The first High-definition came from Catford. He writes: 
(Translation is) the replacement of textual material in one language by equivalent textual material in another language (Catford, 1965:20). 
You might ask for a little bit in high-definition was not found the concept of the meaning. Meanwhile, in broad outline translation cannot be separated from the problem meaning or ideas. The expression about the fact resolving that touches the concept meaning is revealed by Savory (1968): 
Translation is made possible by an equivalent of thought that lies behind its different verbal expressions. Savory no further no longer call those things that operations or related to the process.Resolving presented more clearly by Nida, Lithuania and Taber (1969).  They said: 
Translating consists of reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.

In his book Translation: Applications and Research, Brislin (1976) gives a broad restrictions on the term translation. For he translation is shifting thoughts and ideas or ideas from one language to in other languages. Both languages can be more, such as Sundanese language, Central Java, can be from other tribes, such as English and Indonesia, or even language is used in a different Javanese language, for example the Majapahit and Javanese language now. But unfortunately Only in this definition not implicitly process penerjamahan criteria and translation is good.

Anjar Rahmannita/10611938/4SA05

Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Penerjemahan Berbantuan Komputer

Name : Anjar Rahmannita (10611938) and Siti Mulia Rahmah Putri (16611816)
Class : 4SA05
#Softskill task 1
Frankfurt Book Fair: A  stepping stone for the Indonesian publishing world

Billed as the world’s largest cultural event, the Frankfurt Book Fair in Germany will give Indonesian authors and publishers a chance to go international at its next iteration in October.
Organizers will prepare a pavilion at the heart of the venue for Indonesia, this year’s guest of honor.

Themed “17,000 Islands of Imagination”, the Indonesian pavilion will exhibit the cultural riches of the nation, while publishers will staff a booth on the other side of the hall.

At least 200,000 book professionals, agents, publishers, translators and illustrators from over 120 countries are expected to gather in Frankfurt, plus 10,000 journalists and 7,000 exhibitors.

At least 3,000 events will be held simultaneously in Frankfurt and other cities in Germany to promote international literary works.
The fair, which thrust Latin America literature and author Gabriel García Márquez into the global spotlight in the 1970s in its first edition, is a marketplace.

Works from the English-speaking world and Asia, including India and Arab nations — will occupy halls at the heart of the action at the book fair.
The person behind the layout change is Juergen Boos, the director of Frankfurt Book Fair for the last 10 years.

“Germany is the second-largest book market in the world — and the largest in Europe. After foreign books are translated into German and enter the market, other European countries will follow suit,” he said during a recent brief visit to Jakarta.

Boos, a former bookseller, worked for different publishing groups in Berlin. He was the marketing, sales and distribution director of the Wiley-VCH publishing group in Weinheim before taking over the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2005.

The 54-year-old was in town to meet with the Indonesian organizing committee for the book fair and government officials, specifically Culture and Elementary and Secondary Education Minister Anies Baswedan.

Paving the way for Indonesia, the book fair is facilitating the translation of Indonesian literature into German.

One-hundred titles have already been translated and more would be ready by October, according to Boos.

A series of events involving Indonesian publishers and authors have been held in the run-up to the book fair to test the waters and to boost interest from the European industry in buying the rights to publish the works.

Late last year, a small festival was held in Frankfurt that was attended by three Indonesian authors including Ayu Utami.

 “German media wrote a lot of articles about Indonesian culture and authors during the brief event,” Boos said. “Many people don’t know about Indonesia, other than what they read on the news about its politics or Bali.”

Another promotional event for Indonesia will be held at the Leipzig Literary Festiva, where there will be Indonesian book reading and discussions with authors.

A total of 70 authors will travel to Germany for the series of events.

 “It’s more like the year of German-Indonesia cultural exchange,” said Boos.

“At the economic level, Indonesia could benefit from selling the copyrights to foreign publishers. Moreover, the local publishing companies could create a long-term relationships with other publishers,” Boos said. “There must be a tourism impact, as people get interested by the media attention to Indonesia culture.”
Source :  http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/03/09/frankfurt-book-fair-a-stepping-stone-indonesian-publishing-world.html

Pameran Buku Frankfurt: Batu Loncatan bagi Penerbitan Indonesia

Billed sebagai acara budaya terbesar di dunia, Pameran Buku Frankfurt di Jerman akan memberikan penulis dan penerbit Indonesia kesempatan untuk go international pada iterasi berikutnya pada bulan Oktober.

Penyelanggara akan menyiapkan sebuah pavilyun di jantung Kota di Indonesia, tamu kehormatan ditahun ini.
Bertemakan “17,000 pulau imajinasi”, paviliyun Indonesia akan menggelar pameran kekayaan budaya nasional, sementara penerbit akan mendirikan stan di sisi lain pameran.

Sedikitnya ada 200,000 profesional buku, agen, penerbit, penerjemah, ilustrator yang berasal dari lebih dari 120 negara yang diharapkan untuk berkumpul di Frankfurt, ditambah dengan 10,000 wartawan dan 7000 peserta pameran.

Sedikitnya ada 3000 acara yang serentak akan diselenggarakan di Frankfurt dan kota-kota lain di Jerman yang bertujuan untuk mempromosikan karya sastra Indonesia.

Pameran tersebut, yang telah membawa kesusastraan Amerika Latin dan Penulis Gabriel García Márquezmenjadi sorotan dunia di tahun 1970 dalam edisi pertama, adalah sebuah pasar.

Karya-karya dari Dunia dan Asia Berbahasa Inggris, termasuk India dan Arab  akan menempati aula di pusat acara di pameran buku tersebut.

Orang yang berada dibalik perubahan tata letak ini adalah Juergen Boos, direktur Pameran Buku Frankfurt selama 10 tahun terakhir.

“Jerman adalah pasar buku terbesar kedua di dunia  dan terbesar di Eropa. Setelah buku-buku berbahasa asing diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Jerman dan memasuki pasar, Negara-negara Eropa lainnya akan mengikutinya,” katanya selama kunjungan singkatanya ke Jakarta.

Boos, seorang mantan penjual buku, bekerja untuk grup penerbit  yang berbeda-beda di Berlin. Ia adalah seorang marketing, salesdan direktur distribusi kelompok penerbitan Wiley-VCH di Weinheim sebelummengambil alih Pameran Buku Frankfurt pada tahun 2005.

54 tahun berada dikota untuk bertemu dengan panitia penyelenggara Indonesia  pameran buku dan pejabat pemerintahan, secara spesifik KebudayaanSekolah Dasar dan Menteri Pendidikan MenengahAniesBaswedan.

Membuka jalan bagi Indonesiapameran buku tersebut  memfasilitasi terjemahan sastra Indonesia ke dalam bahasa Jerman.

Menurut Boos, seratus judul sudah siap untuk diterjemahlan dan selebihnya akan disiapkan di bulan Oktober.

Serangkaian acara yang melibatkan penerbit dan penulis Indonesia telah diselenggarakan dalam jangka-panjang menuju pameran buku untuk menguji air dan meningkatkan minat dari industri Eropa dalam membeli hak untuk menerbitkan karya-karyanya.

Akhir tahun lalufestival kecil diadakan di Frankfurt yang dihadiri oleh tiga penulis Indonesia termasuk AyuUtami.

“Media Jerman menulis banyak artikel tentang budaya Indonesia dan para penulis selama acara singkat tersebut,” kata Boos. “Banyak orang yang tidak tahu tentang Indonesia, selain dari apa yang mereka baca diberita tentang politik atau Bali”.

Acara promosi lainnya untuk Indonesia akan diadakan di Festival Sastra Leipzig, dimana disana akan ada buku-buku bacaan Indonesia dan diskusi bersama dengan para penulis.

Total ada 70 penulis yang akan pergi ke Jerman untuk mengikuti serangkaian acara.

“Ini lebih seperti tahun pertukaran budaya Indonesia-Jerman.” Kata Boos.

“Di level ekonomi, Indonesia bisa mendapatkan keuntungan dari penjualan hak cipta penerbit asingSelain ituperusahaan penerbitan lokal bisa membuat hubungan jangka panjang dengan penerbit lain"kata Boos."Harus ada dampak pariwisata, sehingga  orang-orang menjadi tertarik oleh sorotan media terhadap budayaIndonesia."

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Anjar Rahmannita
4SA05 (10611938)

The Fourth Assignments of Softskill
Analyzing the Preposition

I try to analyze the preposition in time, place and phrase in this article bellow.

How Serious Indonesia in Promoting its Culture, Literature?
At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015, Indonesia will be the event’s guest of honor, offering the nation a chance to show the world that it has tremendous wealth of culture and literature.The event will be the first time that Indonesia will be so honored.In previous iterations of the fair, Indonesia has been represented by the Indonesian Publishers Association (IKAPI) or individual publishing houses.
Deputy Education and Culture Minister Wiendu Nuryanti said that officials were taking the time needed to make sure that the government was ready. “We must understand that the book fair has a wide constellation [in the industry], so we’d like to treat Frankfurt Book Fair as a promotion place for Indonesia. We also think that we can develop some ideas, like gaining some ground for creating a translation center in Indonesia,” Wiendu said during a recent seminar titled On the Road to Frankfurt: How Translation Travels held by Kompas Gramedia.“We have our own great authors and we need momentum to promote them and their powerful literary works — and the Frankfurt Book Fair is the perfect international stage for Indonesia,” she added.
Officials plan to display 2,000 books at a dedicated Indonesian booth at Frankfurt, Wiendu said. About 150 of the titles would be translated into English or German. “Our translation team is doing its best to finish half of the target number by end of the year. If everything goes well, we will have translated all 150 titles by next year,” she said, adding that the government has allocated US$1 million for the project.So far, Wiendu has received 530 titles to be brought to Frankfurt. “We’re welcoming more titles from the public, especially the ones that explore local culture with universal values.”
Also speaking at the seminar, Gramedia managing director Wandi S. Brata said that his company would display another 100 titles of Indonesian literary works in foreign languages during Frankfurt.“It’s great that now the government is willing to facilitate us at the book fair. I think it’s a brave step from the government, which hopefully will have a good impact — on Indonesia in general, and on local publishers in particular,” Wandi told The Jakarta Post.
Wandi said that publishers and the IKAPI worked independently at international book fairs in previous years. “We used to only focus on buying rights [of international titles]. This time, Gramedia alone, for example, will be trying our best to sell some rights of local titles to international market, especially Germany.“So far, we’ve translated 61 titles — there are about 40 to go. We’re optimistic that every title will be ready by next year.”
Even so, Wandi is realistic. “Most publishers overseas still look down on Indonesian books. Only books from great and famous authors, like Pramoedya Ananta Toer, get their attention.” Surprisingly, books about Indonesian Islamic fashion have come to international consideration, especially in Middle East countries such as Turkey, and from Malaysia, said Wandi. “It seems that our all-covered fashion has become a trend.” Wandi said that Indonesian publishing industry was still “colonized”, meaning that most of books on sale were from overseas. “Foreign titles in fiction and non-fiction are still favorites. Although, in metropop, there’s been a significant shift. Indonesian metropop is a favorite now,” he said of women’s popular literature.
Nung Atasana of Borobudur Literary Agency says that different countries have readers with different interests.
Malaysians, for example, are interested in Indonesian books about Islam, Islamic fashion, fashion, Islamic novels, Chinese philosophy, recipes, handicrafts, agro-business, interior design, parenting, education, motivation, health, computer, literary works and children’s books.
“Brunei Darussalam looks for literary works; the Philippines looks for English[-language] children’s books; Vietnam looks for on education, children’s books and references; Thailand looks for children’s books; the Indonesian community overseas is interested in rare books and local content; while Japan is up for literary works,” said Nung, a former editor of Gramedia Pustaka Utama publishing and former international marketer for Gramedia Publishers.
There was also interest from publishers in other nations: illustrated children’s books for South Korea, classic and contemporary literature in the United Arab Emirates, Islamic writings for Saudi Arabia, cookbooks and literature in the Netherlands and reference and literary books in the US.
“From my observation, it means that most of those countries are looking for children’s books, especially with hand illustrations instead of computer-generated ones,” said Nung.
Meanwhile, Kate Griffin, the international program director for British Center for Literary Translation, said that most foreign publishers look for books that would fit their lists, tastes and aesthetics; as for works with stories they think their readers would read.
“In the UK, we are generally not as adventurous and open to other literary styles as other European countries. Crime fiction in translation is popular, as is straightforward storytelling, but not so much literary experiments.
“This means that UK publishers are often quite cautious in what they choose to translate, selecting titles that don’t stray too far from the taste of UK readers and familiar literary styles. They might focus on genres such as crime, or big family sagas, to be sure that there is an audience,” she said.
Author Laksmi Pamuntjak has had her novel Amba translated into English under the title The Question of Red. The book, published by Gramedia Pustaka Utama in Indonesia, will be available in bookstores after April 1.
Laksmi has sold the German rights of the novel to Ullstein Verlag, which will publish it in German by fall 2015. Ullstein Verlag is a respected German publishing company that has published the works of George Orwell, Ha Jin, Margaret Atwood, Nobel Prize winner Knut Hamsun, Richard Dawkins and J.K. Rowling.
“I can only hope [the German distribution] will further open doors to the international market,” said Laksmi.
Looking at Frankfurt, Laksmi said that Indonesia could use the fair to curate the nation’s literature to determine which works should be presented to the world and display the sheer breadth of the country’s cultural voices.
“The government should take this seriously, however, for a moment of this scale calls for resources and a great amount of faith and national pride in what Indonesian authors have achieved.
Look at South Korea and how committed its government is in subsidizing and promoting its writers and artists and works in translations,” she said.
Taking the stage in the Frankfurt Book Fair isn’t so much about whether Indonesian literature is good enough, said Laksmi. “It is, rather, about whether the world is interested in what we have to say in the first place.”

The Analysis Preposition of Time

1.      In the first paragraph, we can see clearly example of preposition in time and place.
 At the Frankfurt Book Fair 2015
There is ‘at’ as the preposition and ‘the Frankfurt Book Fair’ as the preposition of place and ‘2015’ as the preposition of time.

2.      Also the common preposition of place in this article
for creating a translation center in Indonesia’ for and in as the preposition and then creating a translation center in Indonesia as the place.

3.      And the last is preposition phrase, preposition phrase will begin with a preposition and then follow with a noun, pronoun, gerund, or a clause, the object of the preposition. As we can see in this article..
‘For example’ this sentence is describe preposition phrase because there is for as the preposition and example as noun so it can be form as preposition phrase. Another example from this article is..
“We used to only focus on buying rights [of international titles]. In this sentence there is on as the preposition and buying as gerund.

Source : 

http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2014/04/06/frankfurt-book-fair-2015-  how-serious-indonesia-promoting-its-culture-literature.html
